nully-cybersecurity port forwarding,549/ Nully Cybersecurity - this is an easy-intermediate realistic machine. While working with the machine, you will need to brute force, pivoting (using metasploit, via portfwd), exploitation web app, and using searchsploit. About: Wait 5-8 minutes before starting for the machine to start its services. Also, check the welcome page on port 80. Hints: 'cat rockyou.txt | grep bobby > wordlist' for generating wordlist. Story: You are a Professional White Hat. Small company Nully Cybersecurity hired you to conduct a security test of their internal corporate systems. 0- con hydra bruteforceamos ssh bob con el hint del wordlist entramos la ip interna es Sabemos que hay que rootear 3 servidores (mail,web,data) y estamos en mail hacemos nmap para ver la red interna PORT STATE SERVICE 80/tcp open http 110/tcp open pop3 2222/tcp open EtherNetIP-1 8000/tcp op...